The Business Case for Open Source

Sander van der Waal from OSSWatch, JISC’s open source software advisory service will lead a meeting on March 7th.

The term ‘open source’ is increasingly being used to refer not only to the development of software, but also in other disciplines, such as design, education and even government.

This meeting is an opportunity for attendees to learn exactly what ‘open source’ means and its effect on our understanding of property and the production of knowledge, goods and services.

In the context of the Orbital project, we will also discuss the use and application of open source licenses by universities and consider how open source can contribute to innovation and the development of new business models.

The meeting will be held on March 7th, 9.30-12pm, MB1005. Refreshments will be provided. Staff and students wishing to attend should RSVPĀ Joss Winn.